Friday, February 15, 2008


Yes, it glistens, and it's beautiful. But I hate it. We were buried for a few days in snow with ice on top. Everything was thick coated and very slick. Every single blade of grass and every single twig was icy. Including my house, and it's so cold here!

The ice was so thick that it coated the satellite receiver for my internet and I lost my window to the world for a few days. That was hard. So hard. Then, the ice on the trees were acting as a prizm and shattered any hope of internet signal I would get. In between the bouts of no electricity, no television and no internet, I had nightmares of living on the frontier two hundred years ago.
Then noon yesterday, I felt the tremors of a huge rumble and heard the roar of cracking ice, and I knew that this was a good thing. I was about be freed. I ran to the window just as the entire sheet of ice came crashing down from the roof. The only roof that I cared about. The roof that held my satellite dish. It was free.
I instantly grabbed my phone and called Mr. Dairy Wife. In my exhiliration, I was so out of breath that I could hardly talk. I begged him to come home. Come home now. I needed him. Now.
Within five minutes he stood on my doorstep with a look of excitement on his face. I was ready for him, and I handed him a bucket with piping hot water in it, and begged him to satisfy my every need. Then he did.
With a look of confusion on his face .... he slowly climbed up on the roof and poured the hot water on my internet dish .... and melted the ice. Instantaneous gratification. Before he got off the roof, I was online again. I checked my blog ... then my email, then everyone else's blog ..... and it was like Heaven! I was at such peace with the world, and all was well again.
Then, lo and behold .... within twenty-five minutes of becoming a part of the real world, the electricity went off again. And, I sank down in deep despair, and cried like a baby.
What hurt the worst was I saw the smirk on Mr. Dairy Wife's face as he walked out the door. I heard the snort, and I saw the grin when he kicked up his heels, as he slid down the icy sidewalk ... and I started to pray. "Dear Lord ... if I can't have electricity and my internet .... please just let him fall on his butt ... just once. Just once, so I can have the last laugh."
Be blessed everyone and it's so good to be back!