Today is my Mother's Birthday. She's only eighteen years older than I am. Sixty-Nine. I have a young Mother. In saying that, here are a few things I remember about my Mother when I was young.
- She had a pair of high-heel black "go-go" boots. I thought they were the coolest things! Now I can't imagine my Mom wearing those boots. Wonder if she thought they were cool too?
- She wore "mini-skirts" when I did. That was back in 1971 when I was a Freshmen in high school. I remember one in particular that was kind of circular and was pea green with flowers on it. All I can say today is: Yuck!
- She is an awesome cook. I never mastered it quite like Mom did. Do any of us ever cook as well as our Mother's or our memories?
- She loved her Mother very deeply and was a wonderful daughter.
- She loved us kids more than we ever knew. Isn't that funny, you never know how much your Mother loved you until you become a Mother. She used to tell me that.
- She loved those sheer criss-cross curtains. It drove me nuts. She would wash them and hang them so perfectly. I remember how they would blow in the breeze when the windows were open. NOW, I love them too.
- I remember once when Mom got all new furniture. We thought she'd gone and lost her mind. Our new couch had fruit on it! Avocado Green was the "in" color back in the early seventies, and Mom made sure she got plenty of it. More than anything she loved the "free" fruit dish that Finkes gave her for buying furniture there. She dared us to touch it. It's home was smack in the middle of the coffee table. Again, .... Yuck!
- She drove a Rambler. I know most of you have never heard of a Rambler. It was the ugliest car on the market. I hated it, but Mom loved it. It was a station wagon Rambler to boot!
- Speaking of cars, when I was a teenager, my Mother was just not hip or cool, or with it. My Mom and Dad went to buy a new car and she actually told the salesman that she liked those "Grand-Pricks." (Gran Prix) Oh geesh Mom ... you really said that!
- The funniest thing I ever heard my Mother say while talking to another Mother about some wild kids (she called them wild) caught smoking Marijuana at school. "Yes, and if their parents don't watch those kids .... they'll be smoking that there Pot too!" Yeah right Mom! ... it's the same thing! I was sixteen and wanted to melt into the floor.
Happy Birthday Mom! You are the Greatest .... I love you! I could go on and on and on listing things. But mainly, you were and still are a wonderful Mother!